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A few Gemstone meanings


Stone of Spirituality and inner peace. Soothing and calming to the mind. Enhances psychic abilities. Inspirational. Excellent for meditation. Balances energy of intellectual, emotional and physical body. Assists healing in endocrine glands, skeletal system, heart, stomach, skin, teeth and hearing. Chakra: Crown

Rose Quartz

Stone of unconditional Love
Rejuvenating for physical body and emotions. Excellent healer for emotional wounds. Helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt and fear. Inspires unconditional love in the form of forgiveness, compassion and love. Used to clear fluids in the cells of the body, aids kidneys and circulatory system. Reduces stress and tension. Known as the "stone of gentle love" bringing peacefulness and calm to relationships. Reduces stress and tension. It cools hot tempers and lessens haste. It helps clear stored anger, guilt, fear and jealousy.


Opens new doors of opportunity. Purifies the body and balances mind and body. reduces stress, accelerates personal growth. Helps to regulate cycles in one's life. A protection stone. A good healing stone.

Gold Tiger Eye

Eliminates the blues, balances both hemispheres of the brain. Helps provide clarity, promotes intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Helps one to be practical and more grounded. Provides awareness and is used to stimulate wealth and enhance the stability required to maintain wealth. Used in treating eyes, throat, reproductive system. Strengthens and aligns spinal column and aids in mending broken bones

Variegated Tiger eye

At the third eye it is used to enhance the psychic abilities and wareness to perception

Blue howlite
Eliminates pain, stress and temper. Balances calcium levels and strengthens teeth and bones. It helps the memory.

Stone of Abundance
This stone does not hold negative energy. It aligns all chakras and soothes problems. Helpful in influencing positivity in education and business pursuits as well as personal relationships. Stimulates mental focus and endurance and detoxifies the body on all levels. Aids in releasing clouding thoughts, digestive organs and liver function. It energises the body and assists in whole body healing.
Chakra: Solar Plexus

Stone of Total Awareness
Expands awareness ad awakens inner wisdom. Helps overcome depression, enhances serenity and self acceptance. Protects from physical danger and psychic attacks. Treats throat, bone marrow, cellular structure, muscle and skeletal disorders. Enhances psychic ability. Assists attunement, expansion and realisation of consciousness.
Chakra: Third Eye




© 2001 ArtinType
last updated 8 February, 2012